Stadium Mast Pole

The Stadium High Mast are usually mounted with floodlights, and seen in places like stadiums, race course, etc. where high concentration of light is required over a small area.

The height of the pole and the number of units of floodlight are dependent either on the necessity for the requirement of the area, or as per the specifications mentioned by the client concerned.

Design and Finishing

The high mast shaft, the base plate and the anchor bolts that are used to manufacture the stadium masts are went through analysis via software so as to design the same. The designing is done as per good standard, ‘Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Stadium Lighting and Luminaries’.

Materials and Shape

  • The Stadium High Masts are constructed and designed with continuously tapered steel with polygonal shape of sixteen sides.
  • Sheets of steel are folded accordingly to the required shape. And then with the help of an Automatic Arch Welding Machine, the sheets are welded longitudinally.
  • Depending on the height of the mast, shafts are constructed out of multiple segments.
  • The shafts are then equipped with a fixed head frame at the top to hold the flood lights.


  • Sports stadium
  • Race course
  • Airport
  • Railway Station
  • Massive parking spaces
  • Shopping centers
  • Parks

Key Features of our Stadium Mast

  • The Stadium High Masts are equipped at the top of the shaft with fixed platform and service ladders for maintenance purposes. To reach the platform, a power lift or a caged ladder with resting platform is used.
  • The bottom of the shaft is welded with ‘circular base plate with holes’, suitable for anchor bolts. The welding process is conducted by double fillet weld, so as to match up to the international standards.
  • Base plates open at the center to allow cables to connect.
  • Nuts and washers, with size and dimensions as per structural analysis, complement the anchor bolts to fix the base plate to the concrete foundation.
  • The shaft consists of a door opening, at a convenient height. The dimension of the door opening complies with the requirements of electrical equipments.
  • A rubber gasket is provided at the doorframe so as to make it resistant to adverse weather conditions.
  • Steel hinges are used to fix the door cover to the shaft.
  • An Earthling lug is provided inside the shaft at the door opening, with necessary bolts, nuts and washers.